La Merveille retrouvée

5nd July31th August 2024

Centre des monuments nationaux
Amaclio Production
From July 5nd to August 31th 2024

La Merveille Retrouvée

As night falls, the doors of the Abbey open to reveal a completely different face of Mont-Saint-Michel. A spellbinding spectacle awaits spectators, inviting them to plunge into a captivating (re)discovery of the majestic Wonder. Through a subtle marriage of sound, light and video, every corner of the abbey is transformed into a living tableau, revealing a new perspective on its architectural beauty.

This visual and audio immersion is much more than a simple nocturnal visit; it's a veritable ode to art and history, an exploration of the senses that transcends time and space.

This summer, let yourself be enchanted by this unprecedented artistic experience that transports you into a magical and poetic universe. Don't miss this unique opportunity to rediscover the Merveille at nightfall*, where every moment reveals a new secret, a new emotion to be savoured in the gentle darkness.

*We recommend that you enjoy the show after dark.

  • New 2O24


  • Audio and visual

    immersive show

  • 250 000+

    delighted visitors

practical information

Mont-Saint-Michel becomes an island again: a breathtaking natural spectacle not to be missed!

From August 2 to 5, a high tidal range is forecast, transforming the Mont into a majestic island, surrounded by ...


The Abbey night stroll by Amaclio Productions comes back in 2023!

We have good news for you! The Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey night stroll comes back in 2023, still produced by Amaclio ...

The producer

Amaclio Productions

Since 2012, Amaclio Productions has created prestigious shows for an ever-bigger audience in emblematic French ...


The Centre des monuments nationaux

For the 5th year in a row, the CMN trusts Amaclio Productions with the creation and production of the night show. ...

News 2023

Le Millénaire in an hour

Returning to Mont-Saint-Michel for a 6th consecutive year, Amaclio Productions is proud to present a new show this ...

New in 2023

Martin Arnaud, a designer

For this brand new edition of the night stroll of the Abbey, Amaclio Productions has called on Martin Arnaud. ...

Practical information

FROM JULY 5nd TO AUGUST 31th 2024

Every night except on Sundays

Guided stroll with headset between 7.30 and midnight (last entry at 11pm)

We strongly recommend that you come and enjoy the show after dark!


Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey

Box office

The box office for the 2024 edition is now opened. Go and get your tickets !

In backstage!

Find here the official videos and the backstage of the night stroll

Our YouTube Channel